
Super Sexy Super Spey

Still playing with Paul Miller Super Spey rhea feathers.

This pair of smart Spey flies shows the material quite well. They're both topped with golden pheasant and incorporate Spirit River Diamond Brite dubbing through the body for a touch of sparkle and sheen.

Super Spey rhea feathers are a tremendous fly tying material and a fantastic resource to fly tyers of all stripes. These fibers average about 4 inches in length and are extremely durable and a joy to tie with. They provide unmatched length and profile - get them wet, and the movement they impart cannot be topped by other materials that match in toughness.

photo by Evan LeBon, a regular contributor to beyondthebug.blogspot.com

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Everything about that is sexy....especially on the swing. I mean I would hit that if I were chrome.